Type | Price |
Initial Evaluation & Treatment | $130 |
Follow-up Visit | $55 per visit |
Extended Follow-up Visit | $65 per visit |
*Reassessment | $85 per visit |
Type | Price |
Initial Evaluation & Treatment | $95 |
Follow-up Visit | $75 per visit |
Extended Follow-up Visit | $85 per visit |
Massage Therapy
Treatment | 30 min | 45 min | 60 min | 75 min | 90 min |
Massage | $80 tax inc. | $105 tax inc. | $125 tax inc. | $150 tax inc. | $180 tax inc. |
Additional Information
We are a small, fee-for-service clinic, meaning that we collect payment at the time of service (cash or credit card). After each session we will print or email an itemized bill to our patients so those who are interested in reimbursement can independently submit it to their insurance companies.
*Reassessment: Current patients who have a new injury or issue. OR if you have not been in for an appointment in the past 18 months.
**Missed appointments: We have reserved the time specifically for you and are unable to resell lost time. Chiropractic, Physiotherapy and Acupuncture appointments are a $35 charge, there is 100% fee for missed massage appointments